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發(fā)布時間:2017-12-12    信息發(fā)布:無    瀏覽量:968次

 123 下午,溧陽市文化小學(xué)的多媒體教室內(nèi),關(guān)于小學(xué)英語單元整體教學(xué)研究的活動正有條不紊的進行著,錢荷琴老師帶領(lǐng)著青英匯成員以及09、10年新分配教師來此觀摩學(xué)習(xí)。這次活動是由文化小學(xué)的彭琴仙老師、胡蘭老師和錢超老師分別上 5A  Unit 9 Shapes 的第一、二、三課時,展示單元整體教學(xué)的必要性與優(yōu)勢。他們不同的教學(xué)設(shè)計卻遵循著同一個主旨,三節(jié)課環(huán)環(huán)相扣,緊密聯(lián)系,于細微中顯別致。  

自然地交談,輕松的氛圍,彭琴仙老師在與學(xué)生的互動中輕巧的引入shape的教學(xué)。整節(jié)課以shapes為主線,圍繞shapes around us展開,以What shape is the …? Is the …a…? Can you show me/us how to draw a …? 等問題為A部分的課文作鋪墊。語言不應(yīng)該被肢解,彭琴仙老師深刻地明白這一點,她帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生進行課文的整體感知,強調(diào)語篇的連貫輸出和整體教學(xué),并注重培養(yǎng)學(xué)生連貫的“說話”。同時,她也充分給予了學(xué)生聽說讀的機會,跟讀錄音、模仿語音語調(diào)、由泛聽到精聽、泛讀到精讀的層層深入,讓學(xué)生的口語更洋味化的同時,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生積極思維的習(xí)慣。  

萬花筒里的世界總是那么的色彩斑斕,引得孩子們紛紛駐足留戀,胡蘭老師的課亦如此。豐富多彩的圖片,神奇變幻的剪紙,出人意料的物品形狀以及節(jié)奏歡快的chant,都讓大家在輕松的氛圍中不知不覺的學(xué)習(xí)著。她從復(fù)習(xí)A部分的課文入手,以舊引新變?yōu)闊ㄈ灰恍碌男υ?,并由此深入對話學(xué)習(xí),著重于所學(xué)知識的活學(xué)活用。在扎實的第一課時學(xué)習(xí)的基礎(chǔ)上,胡蘭老師這節(jié)課更側(cè)重于學(xué)生的創(chuàng)新精神和合作意識的培養(yǎng),比如在最后的Dream time這一環(huán)節(jié),四人一組合作,用圖形來設(shè)計場景圖,學(xué)生以豐富的想象力,漂亮嫻熟的語言,自由的闡述著自己的設(shè)計。  






直溪小學(xué) 蔣曉丹供稿


To get a high stage on the entire teaching pattern  

------Reflections on three lessons in Liyang ,2010.12.3  


On the 3rd of December ,with emotion to the English lessons ,our Jintan YEC went to Liyang for three great lessons from   Wenhua   Primary School   . it’s really our great pleasure for us to get too much skills and teaching culture from those who taught and cared for the lessons.  

The Research Project of this time is entire teaching pattern . In fact , I got this idea a lttle bit clear from HAPPY ENGLISH on Wednesday this week , coz someone attended "Primary School English Education Seminar”, (I don’t know that name was, maybe ). The entire teaching pattern ,in my view , it is just like Chinese teaching which firstly maybe to have a junior idea of the material ,and then divided the teaching content into several parts to learn some more details ,after that ,the Ss need to probe some deep things in the article and expand their information to talk about .  

The three lessons are of 5A Unit9 Shapes which is very hard to creat a new idea for this unit . the three lessons were taught from part A to part E,F,G&H. there are three lessons and also three periods of this unit .  

The first lesson was given by Miss Peng Qinxian(part A). She designed three parts in her class, they are pre-reading ,while-reading and post-reading. In pre-reading. Miss Peng let ss talk about the picture of a house ,thus to teach the shapes from the house ,and master the pattern strill ‘what shape is it ? It’s …’ ‘circle ’was the last one , Miss Peng easily put the phraseshow s.b. how to do sth.’. During while-reading, Miss Peng went forward one by one,from basic skills to harder tasks ,and the most important is her learning tips for ss which explains how to do in a certain step,from underlining to remember the first letter of the word when do the filling in the blanks. that’s the shining place in this reading class.   

The second lesson(PartB,C&D) was from Miss Hu Lan who was very energetic. Her class seemed like to go with swing, step by step. From dividing and making ,she taught the shapes on the book, and then draw a picture on the blackboard and learn the words of shapes of ‘oval,heart,etc,’from then the students come to the blackboard and show the others how to draw a picture with the shapes and at the same time learn ‘show us how to …’ I think the most funny thing in Miss Hu’s lesson is the strange items with special shapes ,T just gives a part of the item, then ss must guess by words? No! By dialougues!! Ah …  

The third lesson was the left of this unit. We were really tired at that time ,but we tried our best to get much good methods from them. This man is very gentle during all this class. He gives ss several tasks to finish ,the winners then get stars.this class connect art and English tightly . through drawing ,they learned, That’s OK .But if the teacher can be more active,it’ll be better.  


昨天訪問: 198843 ?| ?今天訪問: 135552 ?| ?本月訪問: 5311965 ?| ?上月訪問: 7284884 ?| ?訪問總數(shù): 198473316


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