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《Plus and minus》 教學設計

發(fā)布時間:2017-12-12    信息發(fā)布:無    瀏覽量:1142次

Ø 教學目標    


2.能聽懂、會說以下句型:How many ... can you see? I can see...  

That’s right./Sorry, you’re wrong. What’s ...plus/minus...? It’s....  


Ø 教學重點和難點    

能聽懂、會說以下句型:How many ... can you see? I can see...  

That’s right./Sorry, you’re wrong. What’s ...plus/minus...? It’s....  


Ø 教學準備:多媒體課件、盒子,三只芒果、五塊橡皮,生詞卡片  

Ø 教學過程:  

一、 GreetingS  

Good morning! Nice to meet you!How are you? What day is today?  

二、 Review   

(一) What’s the time?  

(二) Let’s count from 1 to 12,做手勢.  

(三) Read the numbers.多媒體出示。  

三、 New lesson  

(一) 學習 “That’s right” and Sorry, ypu’re wrong”.   

1、 出示一個盒子,問學生:What’s in the box? It’s a ...   

學生一般沒有猜出來,引出Sorry, you’re wrong. 教學,朗讀并動作。  

2、 讓學生快速看一下東西,學生回答正確。引出That’s right. 教學,朗讀并動作。  

(二)學習how many   

1、引導學生一起數盒子里的東西:one mango,two mangoes, three mangoes...  

引出How many mangoes can you see? 學習How many ... can you see? I can see....  


  2、出示圖片:How many apples can you see?...  

3、看教室里的物品,師生問答:hello,XX How many doors can you see? I can see XX.  


  1、Guess: How many rubbers in my left hand? How many rubbers in my right hand?  

2How many rubbers can you see? I can see 5.  

3、We can say: two plus three is five.朗讀plus,單詞比較:bus  

4What’s three plus four? It’s seven. 出示What’s three plus four? It’s seven.學生朗讀。  

5、對話練習:What’s ... plus ...? It’s ....  


1、What’s three plus ten? It’s thirteen. 學習thirteen.(bird,girl)  


3、看圖片回答:How many...can you see? I can see....  


5、play a game. 教師指出列:1320 行:A-F 教師報A13B20,...學生報出數字20。  


1、叫五個學生上來,問:How many boys can you see? I can see five.板書5。  

2、叫三個學生下去,問:How many boys can you see? I can see two.板書-32。  

3、We can say: Five minus three is two. 學習minus.朗讀這句話。  

4、師生對話:What’s nine minus six? It’s three.... 生生操練...  




Hello,XX. Hello,XX.  

What’s X plus X?  

It’s X.  

That’s right./sorry, you’re wrong. It’s X.  

What’s X minus X?  

It’s X.  

That’s right./sorry, you’re wrong.It’s X.  

Oh, I see.  

Thank you.  


1、學生看照片理解:We have 19 girls.We have 27boys.  

We are one big family.   



五、Homework: Play a game: Be a maths teacher.  

Ø 板書:  

Unit 5 Plus and Minus  

A: Hello, xx.  

What’s ___ plus/minus ___ ?  

B: It’s ___.  

A: That’s right. /Sorry, you’re wrong.  

(Oh,I see. Thank you!)  

              金壇市堯塘小學      卜留平  

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